Asbestos testing is a part of an asbestos survey, which is how to find out if asbestos is present in materials in a building.
One of the problems with removing asbestos safely is that you may not know that it is there at all, so simply removing materials containing this hazardous substance could be risky. For this reason, always test for asbestos if you have the slightest suspicion it may be present. Typically, you will find asbestos in buildings completed or renovated between 1950 and the 1980s, due to the lack of awareness of the health risks in that period.
It’s always advisable to get professional help if the testing finds asbestos, as you risk creating dust which is harmful is breathed in and can lead to cancer. Even if you can safely remove it, you’ll still need to dispose of it, and councils have strict guidelines in this area. It’s usually easier and safer to get professional help.
If you need help with asbestos removal in the Glasgow area, you can get a free quote with our tool in the bar on the right hand side on the website.